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bed bugs

Detective skills needed to solve bed bug problem

The Cleankill team was called in to solve a serious bed bug problem in one of the largest blocks of flats in London. 

Thirty out of 600 flats in the block in South London had been infected and it was a case of finding the source of the problem before treatment could start.

Cleankill staff searched the flats and found an extremely serious infestation in the very last one they checked.

Bed bugs move in to bedsit

When Cleankill was called to a bed bug problem in South Kensington, London, technicians found one of the worst infestations they had ever encountered.

The building they were called to was made up of bedsits which all had sitting tenants. One of the bedsits (an area of approximately 14 feet by 16 feet) was occupied by a man in his mid-70s who lived in one room with his bed, wardrobe and armchair – all of which were heavily infested.