All types of buildings can be proofed, from bungalows, private homes, to churches, industrial premises, offices and blocks of flats. Other areas include water treatment plants, farms, marinas and vineyards.
A survey should take place, to identify the species of bird and the problems they are causing. Our specialist surveyors will attend your property and discuss the problem and recommend on how we propose to deal with it.
Natural Bird Control
Expert bird handlers use Harris Hawks to unsettle nesting birds such as pigeons and gulls. Predator birds can be used in a wide variety of environments, including stadia, shopping centres and housing developments. Regular visits will result in the pest birds finding alternative nesting sites. This is a prime example of effective 'green' pest control in action.

Different sized mesh is used, depending on the type of bird. Nets should be Ultra-Violet (UV) treated and made from polypropylene by specialist manufacturers. Nets can be flame-proof and you should be offered a minimum guarantee of two years. All straining wires and fixings are usually made of stainless or galvanised steel.
Nets can be installed almost anywhere, providing a safe means of access can be established. This may require the use of Cherry pickers or abseilers for awkward high locations.
It is vital that netting is properly and professionally maintained as part of a pest prevention contract. Checking the condition of netting and other bird proofing and bird-repellent measures should be carried out before the nesting season starts, and any damage found repaired as part of an ongoing maintenance contract. This will eliminate the likelihood of accidental entrapment of birds inside damaged netting which could lead to animal welfare issues. There is also the risk that a gap in the netting going unnoticed leads to a pair of pigeons getting through and then on to a roof space which in turn leads to breeding and further birds being encouraged to move in and breed there as well. In no time at all, you can have a whole new costly set of issues with fouling, insects and smell.

Bird Free Gel
An innovative approach that uses a special compound to reflect ultraviolet light. It gives a visual appearance to birds of looking like flames and will keep pest birds off structures without harming them. Rather than acting as a barrier like netting or spikes, the gel alters birds’ behaviour. Birds will completely desert a habitat, even one they have been using for years, once Bird Free has been applied.
The product is applied in 8mm high dishes which are placed behind the leading edge of a parapet or ledge. This makes the dishes invisible from ground level making them ideal for use on listed buildings, although the area treated must be thoroughly cleaned before fitting.

Bird Spikes
Stainless steel wire with anti-perch spikes should be used and fixed to a base that has been UV-treated. Over time, less expensive plastic spikes deteriorate with exposure to UV and sunlight becoming brittle and eventually breaking. Spikes are fixed into place with a suitable adhesive which will vary depending on the surface. Problem areas which may suit the fitting of Bird Spikes include window ledges, fire escapes, waste pipes, gutters, roof ridges, chimney stacks and pots.

Chimney Cages
Chimney Cages are made to measure, using a 5cm, 12-guage galvanised wire mesh. Cages can be made to virtually any size/style, with either domed or pointed tops. Gulls cannot nest on stacks that are caged. Prices vary according to size of stack and number/height of pots. Installation will require a safe working platform at chimney level.

Post and Wire Systems
This system is mainly used on ornate buildings where it is less obtrusive. It can be difficult and time-consuming to install and is best done by professionals. Depending on the surface, stainless steel rods are either drilled into position or stuck down at suitable intervals. Sprung wires run between the rods. Many conservation officers like this method and it is often suggested by the RSPB.

A system of speakers is set up to play at random the natural species distress calls, creating an environment appearing ‘hostile’ to the birds. Bioacoustics are used anywhere that birds present a hazard to health and safety or are just a plain nuisance. This system is humane, inoffensive and, when played back at a natural sound level, remains unobtrusive. These systems work best when in use with other measures, such as the removal of feeding sites

Electric Bird Deterrent Systems
Electronic systems give birds an uncomfortable but harmless mild electric shock which deters them from landing. They are ideal where low visibility of proofing materials is a priority and are especially useful in protecting awkward shaped signs, parapets, ledges, roof ridges and pipework. Electronic systems are highly effective in deterring all bird species, even on nesting or night roosting sites.

Managing Out (Egg and Nest Removal)
Some situations are impossible to deal with by conventional methods, particularly where safe access is not achievable. 'Managing Out' is only used on commercial sites, when it is realised there is no other alternative. All managing out procedures are carried out under licence from Natural England.
Building Cleaning & Mess Removal
Building Cleaning
All types of buildings can be cleaned, whether monument, prestigious building, residential/commercial, to rid them of bird dropping mess. There is an initial clean up, with full disinfection and treatment with biocide. This is supplemented by pressure washing/hosing. All mess is removed under Waste Disposal Regulations 1994.

Guano Clearance
Pigeons often gain access to lofts and empty buildings. Once they start to breed, the build up of guano is considerable. Pigeon guano carries all sorts of diseases including E-Coli, Salmonella, Psittacosis, Ornithosis, etc. There may also be bird mites and fleas present in the nesting material. Lofts should be cleaned out and infested areas treated with a biocide. All dead carcasses and mess are removed under Waste Disposal Regulations 1994.