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Gull control

Gull Control

Although they like to be beside the coast, gulls will nest anywhere and protect their nests aggressively – diving at anyone they feel poses a danger to their young. Technically there is no such bird as the ‘Seagull’ - the term is commonly applied to the Herring Gull. The Herring Gull is the most common seabird around UK shores.

How to identify a gull problem

Gulls become pests when they nest on buildings. Their droppings, noise and defense of nest sites makes them a health and safety risk.

How to get rid of Seagulls

To prevent gull problems, we recommend proofing properties when pest gulls have finished nesting and have left the site. Cleankill's bird control services carry out ‘proofing’ work which involves using different methods such as blocking entrance holes or installing nets, sprung wire systems or bird repellent systems that discourage birds from landing and roosting.

With pest gulls another solution is to use hawks as a deterrent. The hawk makes the gulls uncomfortable and encourages them to find an alternative nesting site. We find this method works very effectively. Watch our video about how we helped deter gulls from Eastbourne Crematorium.

Expert assistance is at hand. Contact us today for more information and advice about bird control services >

Fun facts about gulls

  • Herring gulls are the most common gull around Britain's coasts and seaside towns.
  • The Greater black-backed gull is the largest gull in the world.
  • The larger species of gull take four years to mature.
  • Gulls demonstrate complex methods of communication and have a highly developed social structure.
  • Kittiwakes are the only gull species that nests exclusively on cliffs.
  • Seaford in East Sussex holds one of the main breeding populations in the UK where over 1,000 nests can usually be viewed in the summer months.