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Hero of the hour

A Kenley based pest control technician has stepped in to help a distressed woman and child after they were targeted by a loose Bullmastiff.

Alex Donovan from Cleankill Pest Control was outside his office when we saw a young woman walking to school with her child and miniature dachshund. It was clear she was highly distressed and the reason for this soon became clear - a 50+ Kg Bullmastiff was charging at them.

Paul grows mouse-tache for men’s health charity

Cleankill Pest Control’s Managing Director Paul Bates is shunning the razor this November in aid of charity. Paul will be growing a mo’ as part of Movember, an annual global initiative that raises money for men’s health. In particular, it finds ways to reduce the number of premature deaths due to prostate cancer, testicular cancer and mental health problems. Their stated aim is to – “stop men dying too young”.